HomeAbout The Dodge Connection
Member List
Connection Purpose:
The Dodge Connection is a online community devoted to Dodge vehicle owners and enthusiasts. The connection was built to promote member sites of the Mopar Ring specializing in Dodge brand vehicles and topics. Types of site include Dodge Charger, Dodge Challenger, Dodge Dart, Dodge Demon, Dodge Neon, Dodge Magnum, Dodge Super Bee, Dodge Viper sites and more.
The Dodge Connection list is 100% comprised from member sites and pages of the Mopar Ring. Picked by the Ringleader, only member sites devoted to Dodge brand topics are considered for the list. The Dodge Connection also features a great link section to other non member Dodge resources.
Cruising The Dodge Connection:
Cruising the Dodge Connection is a great way to locate web sites containing information on Dodge vehicles. You can begin your Dodge surfing adventure by clicking on the featured Dodge Connection members, Random Member or you can search the Dodge Connection.
Dodge Connection Help:
Need help using Dodge Connection? Please visit our help section for addition information about using the Dodge Enthusiast Connection site.
Part Of The Mopar Enthusiast Ring:
The Dodge Connection is part of the internets oldest and largest Mopar Enthusiast Ring, featuring over hundreds of Chrysler, Dodge, Dodge & Ram Truck, Plymouth and Mopar sites and pages. Including a collection of Mopar related Clubs and Parts & Services sites. The mopar-ring.org server also hosts some other cool Mopar related resources. Including a Classifieds section, Photo Gallery, Screensaver section and a news section.